What three sided pedestrian crossings create is confusion and conflict between transportation modes. I suspect there is a misguided belief that pedestrians will use the crossings and leave the unmarked side open for drivers turning, thereby keeping the traffic flowing. That faceless all important 'traffic'. Once more making it clear that in the land of engineers, a person in a car is more important than someone on foot. Enrique Penalosa would call this flawed democracy.
Please, can we have pedestrian crossings on all four sides?
And while we're at it, can we do something about improving sight lines for drivers so they don't consistently stop across pedestrian crossings in order to see what is coming when they want to legally turn while on a red light?
This intersection has traffic lights but no crossing lights for pedestrians, a curb cut with lawn and pedestrian crossing markings on three sides (two visible in the photo). If I was standing on the corner with the tree wanting to get to the house across the street am I really going to walk around three sides of the intersection to get there? I don't think so.
The bike lane here is also incomplete. Now you see it.....and now you don't. It does not continue on the other side of the intersection. Would I bike here? Not a chance!
This is the same road as above but a couple of blocks along from the previous photo. This was taken very close to a shopping center where it would make good sense to have easy walking and cycling. But instead the cycle lane and the sidewalk both disappear. And yet there is road reserve up there in the distance that could be used. Did it get too hard? Did the traffic engineer's budget run out? Design like this seems to me to be more dangerous than doing nothing. Now pedestrians and cyclists are lured in to thinking they can safely get from here to there but nope. They are spat out into traffic.
This is a three sided intersection on Pelham Road. There are some good features here. Note the island on the left where pedestrians can safely wait if they get stranded in the middle of a very long intersection. Unfortunately there is no crosswalk in front of the bus by the bank and look ma, no pedestrian signals!