"Pedestrians should be loved.
Pedestrians comprise the greater part of humanity. Moreover - it's better part. Pedestrians created the world. It is they who built cities, erected multistory buildings, laid sewerage and water mains, paved streets, and illuminated them with electric lights. It is they who spread civilization throughout the world, invented book printing, gunpowder, deciphered Egyptian hieroglyphics, introduced safety razors, abolished slave trade, and discovered that 114 nourishing meals can be cooked from soybeans.
When everything was finished, when our beloved planet assumed a fairly habitable look, motorists appeared on the scene."
Ilf and Petrov
The Golden Calf
Moscow 1931
Visit the Regional Plan Association website for the full quote at the front of a 1975 report titled Urban Space for Pedestrians. This report was created by MIT and is still amazingly relevant. I am impressed by its foresight and depressed by the lack of progress in the past forty years all at the same time.